Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Joshu Osmanski: Military Service

Joshu Osmanski understands well the many benefits and value of serving in the United States Military. A fighter pilot in the United States Navy for over five years, Joshu Osmanski was fortunate to have had the opportunity to serve and defend his country for an extended period of time, and to share in that honor with his fellow countrymen and service-members.

The benefits of military service, though not always obvious, are many, and can be a source of reward to the service-member well beyond the end of their service tenure. Some benefits include:
The Pride of Having Served Your Country

Throughout one’s lifetime, the service-member can stand tall and experience the honor that comes with having made a commitment to service.

Advanced Technical Training

Many service-members are provided advanced training in areas other than basic service, such as in medicine, technology, engineering and so on. 


One noted benefit of military service is the many educational perks that come with it, such as coverage under the GI Bill, tuition assistance and more.